Pledge and payment statuses - what do they mean?

Here you can find all pledge & payment status names:

Name Explanation
Pledged You pledged to the project and will be charged after the campaign's funded.
Placed Order is completed and ready to proceed.
Preparing for shipping This pledge is in preparing to be shipped.
Ready for shipping

This pledge was packed and is about to be shipped.

partially shipped.

Partially shipped A part of this pledge was shipped.
Shipped This pledge has been shipped.
Completed The creator completed your pledge.
Canceled Your pledge was canceled. You weren't charged for your pledge.
Awaiting payment The pledge hasn't been paid.
Paid You've paid for your pledge. Follow along with the project updates on progress and shipping timelines.
Partially paid You've paid for part of your pledge. Remove unpaid items and/or pay the pledge balance.
Scheduled The pledge is charged according to the installment schedule.
Scheduled and awaiting payment The pledge is charged according to the installment schedule. The products added to a pledge after crowdfunding are still awaiting payment.
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