How to cancel a pledge in crowdfunding?
In the crowdfunding phase, you can cancel your pledge and won’t be charged for it. In the pledge manager phase, you have to contact the creator if you want to cancel your pledge.
To cancel your pledge, click the "my projects" icon in the top right corner. You'll see a list of all projects you backed. Find the project you want to manage and click "view your pledge". Then click the three-dot icon on the right and choose "Cancel pledge":
When you confirm your choice, your pledge will be canceled.
Note: If you choose an instant payment method (such as PayPal), you cannot cancel the order on your own. You need to contact us through the contact form or directly reach out to the creators via the same contact form (under the category related to refunds), so we can assist you with this process. Please note that this policy only applies to campaigns in the Crowdfunding phase.