How to create an account?
To sign up to Gamefound, click here. You’ll be asked to enter your email. Type your email address and click "Continue". We’ll send you an activation link with further instructions. If you don’t get the email within a few minutes, check your spam folder. You should get this message with an activation link. If you didn't get the email, you have to repeat all these steps. The only way to create an account is by link.
Once you receive the email, click "Create account". You’ll be redirected to a registration window:
Fill in the required information:
Your full name - This is how we will address you in communication (emails etc.)
Your email address - You will use it as your login.
Your new account password - The password you'll use to log in to your account. You can change it at any time and reset it if you forget it.
Check the last box to accept our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy to continue. If you want to receive monthly updates on the newest projects on the platform, subscribe to the Gamefound newsletter by checking the first box. If you want to receive emails about the hottest projects on Gamefound, check the second box.
Your account is ready!