Project settings and editing project

To edit your project, go to project settings. Click the tool button in the top right corner and choose the project you want to edit. You’ll be transferred to the project dashboard. Click "Project settings" in the top right corner of the dashboard.
On the left, you’ll have a menu with all available settings.
In the "General" section, you can change the basic settings, such as the project name and categories. Here you can also edit the thumbnail, launch image, and cover image of the project. Here you also set the launch and end date for the campaign.
In "Project details," you have 4 sections:
  • "About" - here, you can add a short description and general information about the game (player count, age, playtime)

Short description is displayed below the project title:

  • "Gallery" - here, you can add the pictures or videos that will be displayed as the main graphics on the project page
  • "Detailed description" - here, you can add sections with descriptions that will be used to navigate on your project page - each section header is a point on the navigation list. Here some sections are required (risks and challenges, refunds), but you can freely add as many sections as you want and change their positions.
  • "Follower gifts" - here, you can add a gift for backers following your campaign before the launch
"Stretch goals" - here, you can add automatic or manual stretch goals for your campaign
"Business account details" (only admins can see this option) - here, depending if you're an individual creator or a business, you can add a business or individual data, info about shareholders and signatories, and bank account details
In "Communication," you can manage your contact address and add custom messages to backers.
In "Analytics and tracking," you can add tracking tools IDs (Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics).
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