Stable Pledge for creators - how does it work and how to turn it on?

What is Stable Pledge and how to turn it on?

Stable Pledge is a program for backers and creators in which the creator can offer a full refund on specific conditions.

Every creator can join the program by clicking  "Join Stable Pledge" on the project dashboard. You can join the program before the crowdfunding launch. Once the crowdfunding launches, it won't be possible to turn on Stable Pledge.

Once you turn the program on, the Stable Pledge label will be added to your project page after you start your campaign:

The rules of the program will be visible to everyone visiting your campaign. Please bear in mind that when you join the program, you can't resign from it. Your project page will also include a section with Stable Pledge explanation:

How does it work?

If you change the price estimates (e.g., shipping cost) at any point after the campaign ends by more than 10% compared to the original estimate, backers affected by this change will have 2 weeks to request a 100% refund. Gamefound will refund its 5% fee for each pledge compensated by the creator within the scope of the Stable Pledge program. This means the backers can request a refund within 2 weeks after the increase in price has been announced.

NOTE: The announcement has to be made in an update on Gamefound and all backers have to receive email notifications about the update.

Please remember that it is the creator who is solely responsible for refunds.

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