Preparing and launching late pledge and pledge manager

Once your campaign gets funded, you can start working on the next stages of your project. Go to the project dashboard to choose the next stage. You can launch a late pledge stage or a pledge manager.

NOTE: The fees for pledge manager and late pledge are different. See more here.

Late pledge setup

To open the late pledge stage, you need to go through our checklist. Adding proper information will enable the "submit for launch" button, and we'll verify your setup. If anything's missing, we'll let you know.

Once you click "Submit for launch," you'll enable the late pledge to all users. In the late pledge, defining shipping costs is not necessary, and backers won't be charged for shipping until the pledge manager.

Pledge manager setup

When you launch the late pledge stage, you can start working on the pledge manager that will be launched later on. However, if you want to open the pledge manager right after crowdfunding, and skip the late pledge stage, go to the project dashboard, choose "Set up pledge manager," and fill in all the required info:

NOTE: If you launch the pledge manager right after crowdfunding, it won't be possible to open the late pledge stage. If you launch the late pledge first, you still have to launch the pledge manager later.

Launching pledge manager/late pledge

As soon as your project is verified and accepted, you can publish the pledge manager/late pledge:

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