Project image descriptions
Here, you can find all the images that are required to appear in a project. You can download the images to use them as a template.
Project thumbnail
This image is used when displaying your project on lists (e.g., the 'explore projects' page).
The lines at the bottom mark the place where the number of followers and backers are shown. They will cover the thumbnail.
Recommended size: 700x700 (1:1 proportion)
Cover image
It will be displayed as the background at the top of your project page. It should not contain any text. The image will have a darkening filter added automatically.
NOTE: This image is, in fact, not required, but we recommend to add it. If you don't, it will be covered by a plain dark background.
Minimum size: 1743x498 (21:6 proportion).
Social media image
This image will appear on social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.) when someone shares this project. If you don't add this image, the project thumbnail will be used instead.
Recommended size: 1200x630 (ratio 16:9).
Gallery of the project
- images - standard image formats accepted,
- videos (thumbnail) - standard image formats accepted (there are no thumbnails for YouTube videos because they block the view count; you can add thumbnails to Twitch and Vimeo)
Recommended size: 1200x630 (ratio 16:9).
Gallery of the products (rewards and add-ons)
Standard image formats accepted.
Recommended size: 700x700 (1:1 proportion)
Updates - Front image
A headline image for your update. We show it on the main updates page, along with the title and abstract. It also gets included in the notification emails. The image will be fit to a square.
Recommended size: 700x700 (1:1 proportion)
Creator’s avatar
Standard image formats accepted.
Recommended size: 700x700 (1:1 proportion)
Creator home page cover slideshow
Standard image formats accepted, minimum size: 1743x498 (21:6 proportion).
Launch image
This image is sent in an e-mail informing followers about the campaign launch.
Example of such an e-mail:
Standard image formats accepted.
Recommended size: 700x700 (1:1 proportion)
The image should be as encouraging as possible for users to check out the project, showing e.g. a game box plus some components. It would be good if it also included a short CTA (call to action), e.g. something like "Live now", "Live on Gamefound", "Back now" or Pledge now".