How to Manage Reward and Add-On Availability
To change the availability of a Reward or Add-on, navigate to Products -> Rewards or Add-ons and select the Stock tab from the menu on the left.
NOTE: If you create a new shipping hub, an additional menu will appear showing the number of copies available in that specific shipping hub. In this case, the stock availability is edited from the shipping hub level.
Additionally, you can manage the currently available stock by selecting the shipping hub from which you want the product to be shipped.
To access the "Shipping Hub" tab, go to "Project" -> "Settings" -> Shipping & Taxes and select "Shipping Hubs" from the dropdown menu.
To create a new shipping hub, choose the "Add Shipping Hub" option and specify to which shipping zones this hub should be assigned.
All shipping zones are initially assigned to the default shipping hub. When you create a new one and select the shipping zones to which it should be assigned, they will automatically move from the default setting to the new shipping hub.
NOTE: When you enter the Shipping Zones, you can also manage which shipping hub is assigned to a particular shipping zone and you can edit this assignment.
If no additional shipping hubs are created, there is always one default hub to which all shipping zones are assigned.