Import Products

We are currently working on preparing a detailed description of the import file format. Due to ongoing maintenance work, this information will be made available shortly.

To import products, go to the "Products" and select either "Rewards" or "Add-ons." Then, click the three-dot icon and choose the "Import products" option.

A summary of your import will appear.

Choose whether the import file should overwrite existing products in your project or skip matching products and only add new ones

Check the box next to "I acknowledge that this action may add new products and modify existing ones and their configuration." Then, click "Import."

Once the products are imported, a window with the import summary will appear. You can also click "View details" to check the summary in an .xls file format.

Examples imports:

1. Creating a New Product

When starting a new project that doesn’t have any existing products, you’ll need to fill out specific columns in the sample import file to create a new product.

  • ID: Assign a unique ID of your choice.
  • Parent ID: Leave this column empty; the system will automatically generate it.
  • Name: Enter the name of the reward.
  • Type: Set this to Set.
  • Category: Choose Rewards.
  • Is Published: Set this to YES.
  • Regular Price: Enter any price you wish.
  • Discount Price: You can either enter a price or leave it blank.
  • Shipping Calculation Mode: Set this to ByWeight by default.
  • Shipping Calculation Rule: Set this to None.

All other fields in the sample file are optional.

NOTE: The system will automatically generate a unique ID for the newly created reward. If you wish to modify this reward later via import, you must first export the product to obtain its system-generated ID. When editing a previously created reward, enter the system-assigned ID in the Parent ID column.

2. Importing a Set Item to an Existing Reward

To import a set item for an existing reward, follow these steps in the sample import file:

  • ID: Assign a random ID to the new set item.
  • Parent ID: Enter the ID of the reward, which you obtained by exporting the product.
  • Type: Set this to Piece.
  • Category: Choose Rewards.
  • Regular Price: Enter any price you wish.
  • Discount Price: Enter any price or leave it blank.
  • Shipping Calculation Mode: Set this to ByWeight.
  • Shipping Calculation Rule: Set this to None.

3. Importing an Option for the Set Item

To import an option for the created set item, fill out the import file as follows:

  • ID: Leave this column empty.
  • Parent ID: Enter the ID of the product, which you obtained via export, to which the set item belongs.
  • Option Name: Enter the name of the option (e.g., language).
  • Option Value Name: Specify the option value (e.g., English).
  • Option Value Availability: Set this to YES.

The rest of the columns can remain unchanged.

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