Sales report

To generate a sales report, go to the Project - Analytics tab at the top of the admin panel in your project.

Then scroll down to the Product Ranking table, where there is a link at the bottom to generate a report to a file.

After clicking the link, you will be able to select either the entire data range or specify the dates for which you want to check sales.

Sample data in the report is as follows:

The key is that the report shows the number of products sold and indicates whether the product was a set/reward (containing more items) or a piece (a single item).

It should be remembered that the indicated number of pieces sold may also be included in the sold sets if the piece was offered in them. The way in which you configure products in your project is very important here, especially if, for example, you have created add-ons that are available both separately and as part of a reward.

The report will then show the total number of add-ons sold, regardless of whether it was purchased separately or as part of a reward.

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