How to create your marketing campaign with Adfound?

To create your marketing campaign, you need to provide basic information about your crowdfunding project, set up the dates for your marketing, and define your marketing budget. 

The price of the base pledge in your project is the cost of the standard pledge in your crowdfunding campaign. Since pledge levels may vary significantly, Adfound does not take into account the average pledge amount, but the standard option offered to your backers.  

The “I expect to collect” metric is related to the amount you predict as a realistic goal for your crowdfunding. It isn’t necessarily the official campaign goal; in most cases, it will be higher than that. 

These metrics help estimate the potential of your project and they are used to recommend a budget for your marketing. 

You need to define dates for your marketing campaign. Within these dates, if all necessary conditions are met, your ads will be published. You can run multiple ads within this timeframe—particular ads can be shorter than this period, but no ad in the campaign will exceed these dates. 

The name of your marketing campaign won’t be visible to your audience. It will appear in the interface so that you can easily differentiate it from other marketing campaigns. It will also be used in UTM tracking. UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters are tags added to URLs to track the performance of online marketing campaigns.  

Adfound will optimize your ads to display them in locations that bring the best conversion. If you have no limitations on selling your products in particular countries, we recommend choosing the first option: “I have no restrictions on selling my products. I would like Adfound to optimize the marketing of my campaign and distribute ads to locations with the best performance.” The system will choose locations that are best for your campaign and adjust your ads' distribution accordingly. 

In case you can’t sell your products in particular countries, for example, because of legal restrictions, choose the second option and select the countries for your project. Adfound will adjust the targeting accordingly. Note that if you exclude some locations from your marketing, no ads will be distributed there, even if they might potentially perform well. 

The recommended budget for your marketing is calculated based on the parameters of your crowdfunding campaign. We recommend this amount to ensure optimal performance of your marketing. Based on this parameter, the system will plan the distribution of your funds throughout the entire campaign. You can edit your budget later, and your fund distribution will be recalculated accordingly. 

Creating campaign at this moment doesn’t make it public. It defines the type of your marketing and provides information about its timing and budget. You will be able to adjust all of these parameters in the campaign settings. 

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