How to prepare your ad with Adfound?

To create a new ad, go to the ad list and click the "create ad" button. 

After that, you need to fill in the basic information about the ad in the modal.

The ad display name determines how the ad will be presented in the interface, it won’t be visible to your audience. To better manage your ads, you can assign them specific names, such as "Follower Gift Promotion. 

You need to specify the dates during which your ad will run. These dates must fit within the campaign dates: ads cannot start earlier than the marketing campaign start date and cannot run after the marketing campaign end date. The predefined dates represent the longest possible period: the ad can start at the beginning of the marketing campaign or from today (if the marketing campaign start date is set earlier) and must end by the campaign’s end date. 

You can adjust these dates if you want the ad to run for a shorter period than the entire marketing campaign, but we recommend that at least one ad run for the entire campaign duration. 

The ad can be activated within these dates as soon as it’s ready, meaning it has enough approved assets and sufficient funds added to your account. 

  • uploading your assets 

After creating an ad, you need to add your assets: graphics and text. To do so, go to the ad details and Media screen. 

You must provide set of three images in the following aspect ratios: 9:16, 1:1, and 16:9. Different dimensions of graphics are used for different ad formats displayed on Meta. If you don’t provide the appropriate ratios, you will most likely receive a rejection requesting you to import all the required sizes. In exceptional cases, such as when a game image is cropped to the required size and meets the criteria for a good creative, the asset may be accepted. You need to have at least one Primary text, Headline, and Description to run your ad. If any of these are missing, your ad cannot be launched. 

You can upload more assets if you want. A variety of assets helps optimize the performance of your ads. Adfound will launch different versions of each ad and distribute the budget accordingly, based on their performance. 

When you upload more assets, each version of your text and image will be combined to create ad variants with the best performance. Because of this, ensure that any text matches with any image you upload. 

If you want to create different ad variants and ensure that images and texts don’t mix (for example, to have ads for different products with different descriptions), you need to create separate ads and ad assets separately. 

  • Assets verification 

Your assets will be sent for review by our team immediately after being uploaded. Each text and set of images will be reviewed separately. If any of your assets are rejected, provide new ones, and they will go through the review process again. 

You can view the review results of your assets in the status column on the Media screen. If your assets are rejected, the reason for rejection will be displayed in the tooltip next to the status. 

You will be notified about the status change of your uploaded assets in a notification on the campaign dashboard as well. 

Each review process may take up to 72 hours. So, if your assets need to go through the review process several times, it may prolong your marketing campaign setup. It’s important to take this into account when planning your campaign start date. 

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