Adfound – Tips for Creating Effective Campaigns
Minimize the Number of Campaigns for Each Phase:
To maximize efficiency, the number of campaigns created for each phase (Follower Acquisition, Crowdfunding, Pledge Manager) should be kept to a minimum. Running multiple campaigns within the same phase can lead to:
- A continuous learning process for the algorithm
- Competing ad sets against each other
- Increased cost per action (depending on the phase)
Recommended Setup for the Crowdfunding Phase:
We recommend setting up your ADfound campaign at the start and keeping it active until the end of your crowdfunding campaign. This approach ensures:
- Proper budget distribution, considering increased spending at the beginning and end of the campaign
A smooth learning and optimization process for the algorithm
If you plan to introduce new visuals or text, we suggest adding them to an existing ad set whenever possible.
Your Adfound campaign is promoting your crowdfunding phase. You just reached your funding goal and want to display the message: "100% Funded!" Instead of creating a new campaign, add this asset to the existing one.
If you have a time-sensitive asset that should not be displayed continuously (e.g., Early Bird), you should create a separate, time-limited campaign.