Adding discounts
You can add free credits to a user (backer) account. Click the tool button in the top right corner and choose the project you want to manage from the list on the left. Go to "Orders."
You can add credits to a user manually. To add credits, choose the user's order to which you want to give credits. You’ll see their order. To add a discount, click "edit order" and then "add discount" in the order details:
You’ll see the following window:
Enter the discount value you want to add, choose the currency, and add a reason (description) why the account received free credits. Click save to confirm.
You can also remove the credits you added. To remove credits, add "-" before the subtracted amount.
NOTE: The credits will appear as a DISCOUNT at checkout.
The discount will be applied automatically, but the order amount cannot be lower than 1 in the project currency. So, if you give a $100 discount on a $100 order, the applied discount will be $99 because the minimum order value is $1.
If you give a $100 discount to a $110 order, the full discount will be applied, and the amount to pay will be $10.