Creating polls

Polls are an addition to updates. To add a poll to your project, click the tool button in the top right corner and choose the project you want to manage. Go to  "Project" and choose "Communication" from the list. On the left, you'll see a menu with communication options. Choose "Polls" and click "Add poll". You’ll see the following editor:

Add a question, answers, and define the group that can vote and if the votes are visible to all or only participants. Use the “Is active” toggle to change the poll status to open or closed. 

NOTE: Once you open the poll and someone votes, you won’t be able to add and delete answers or change the voting group. So, if you have a typo in your question or one of the answers, you can always fix it. When you’re ready, click “SAVE”.

You can add the poll to an update using a dropdown menu in the update settings. Go to "Project", "Communication" and click "Updates" and choose the update you want to add the poll to. You’ll see the following section in the update settings:

Choose the poll you want to add and remember to set it to active, otherwise, users won’t be able to vote. If you want to close the poll, go to settings and change the toggle position to “Is active”. Setting it back to “no” closes the option to vote and displays results on the update page:

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