Create and edit backer groups
As a creator, you can group your backers and change settings for each group. For example, you can choose which products will be visible to the group, or give them a discount.
NOTE: Creating groups before importing backers will help you in managing the project a lot. We recommend setting the "Default" group for late backers, and a separate group for backers imported from the crowdfunding campaign. It will be easier to see which backers joined in the pledge manager phase.
You can create backer groups using the backer list. Click the tool button in the right top corner and choose the project you want to manage from the menu on the left. Then, go to "User groups". You can create groups here by clicking "Add user group". After clicking the button, you’ll be able to add a group name and set it as default. You can add as many groups as you like. You can also change group names, see group members, or delete a group here.
If you want to add people from a list to a group, go to "Users", choose the people you want to add to the group by checking boxes next to their names and click the three dots icon. Then, click "Set groups". You’ll see the following window:
The platform will automatically choose the default group for the selected people, you can change it and click "Save". Here, you can also add backers to multiple groups.