Importing pledges

To import pledges from a crowdfunding campaign to the pledge manager, click the tool button in the top right corner and choose the project you want to manage from the menu on the left.

Then, go to "Orders" and click "Import pledges." You’ll see a window with further instructions: 

When importing pledges, you can mark backers as "Original backers," meaning that these are users imported from an external crowdfunding platform. You can later filter them easily:

Or choose as a recipient group when sending updates:

Mark them as "Other" if you don't want to mark them as original backers.

In the "Default group" dropdown menu, you can choose to which group the imported backers will be added. If you added your own groups, you will be able to choose them on this list. If not, only the "Default" group will be available.

NOTE: We recommend making the "Default" group for late backers, as this is for anyone who organically comes to your page. Creating separate groups for original backers and late pledgers makes it easier to manage them later. As you can see on the screens above, backers are automatically marked as late pledges, so you can filter them easily even if they're not in a group, but you won't be able to give them, for example, a group discount.

Importing pledges - creating an import file

Note: To import pledges from Kickstarter, you can use the Kickstarter file but remove some rows as shown in our example file.

You can download the example file to see what the list should look like to avoid any problems when importing. The Excel file has to include the following:

Backer number - the number of backer, this information is optional

Backer name (required) - should be the full name of the backer, it should not have any numbers or special characters ($, %, ^, etc.)

E-mail (required): The e-mail of the user.

Note: If a backer used an Apple ID email to back your campaign, please replace this email address with their real email address. Otherwise, their pledge will not be associated with the correct email and they won't be able to access the Pledge Manager.

Reward title - the name of the reward, should be exactly the same as in your original campaign

Bonus support - the extra amount (tip) added by the backer for the creator

Pledge amount (required) - the amount pledged to the project; with currency symbol or ISO code

Pledged status - only pledges with the 'collected' status will be imported to GF, this info is required

Notes - a comment to the pledge, will be visible only to the creator

[Addon#1] Addon name - Leave the "[Addon #1]" with a number and add add-on name outside the square brackets.

Click  "Import" after uploading the proper file. You’ll see a list of all backers of your project.

Note: Once you import pledges, you can remove them in bulk. If any of the orders were edited after the import, they will be marked as edited in the export file. If any of the imported orders were edited, the "remove imported pledges" feature will not take them into consideration.

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