Business account details

In order to run your campaign and get the funds you'll collect transferred to your account, you have to add your business account details. Depending on your account type - individual or business - you'll have to provide different data.

We need to verify the data you provide, such as personal data, bank account information, and company details in official registers to comply with financial regulations. All data will be verified by Gamefound and sent to Adyen (payment processor) to enable collecting and withdrawing funds.

You need to fill in all information to submit your data for verification.

Every creator who submits documents for onboarding undergoes a one-time KYC (Know Your Customer) process. This involves verifying bank details, company information (if applicable), and shareholder/personal data. This process is required only once, and new projects can be immediately sent for verification by the Key Account Manager (KAM).

NOTE: Once you provide all required information, do not forget to click the "Submit for review" button in the main view of your "Business account details."

Reset data

You can change your account type, country, and currency by clicking the three-dot icon in the top right corner and choosing "Reset data." This will result in erasing your data, so you'll have to fill it in and send it for verification again.

Once your data gets verified and accepted, you can't reset them yourself. If you need to have them reset, contact us at We will erase all data, and you'll be able to enter them all again. It is only possible before the launch of your campaign. Once it goes live, changing or resetting your business data is impossible.


Individual data

Information about your personal data, including an ID scan/picture.

What documents are accepted as an ID? Passport, driving license, or ID card. 

What are the requirements?

  • The document has to be valid;
  • all elements must be clearly visible (we need to be able to read all numbers on the document);
  • the document cannot be a digital document (it must be a scan or a photo of a physical copy of the document);
  • it cannot be black and white, has to be in color;
  • it cannot be cropped (the whole document must be visible on the scan) or turned sideways or upside down.

The picture/scan of the ID must be a JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF and cannot be bigger than 4MB.

Bank account

Information about the bank account. We will verify if the bank account exists and check its owner.

What are the requirements? 

  • The name of the bank account owner (must be the same as the ones added in individual data)
  • account number or IBAN; 
  • date of the issuing of the document (must be issued within the last 12 months);
  • information about the issuing country (not necessary if it's IBAN)
  • the document must contain the bank logo, name, or anything that allows identifying it was issued by the bank.

What documents are accepted?

  • A bank statement;
  • deposit tickets or deposit bills;
  • screenshots of the online banking environment;
  • official bank correspondence;
  • in France: RelevĂ© d'IdentitĂ© Bancaire (RIB)

What documents are NOT accepted?

  • Photos of credit/debit cards;
  • Documents with edits (any physical changes such as notes, scribbles, or digital edits are not allowed);
  • Documents issued more than 12 months ago.

The picture/scan of the document must be a JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF and cannot be bigger than 4MB.

When you fill in all the required information, click "Submit for review."


Shareholders and signatories

Information about all shareholders or ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) who own 25% or more of the business. If there are none, we need information about a person authorized to legally represent the company. You need to add at least one signatory.

For the business account, it is required to add individual data for every person who:

  • is the owner of the business (Up to four individuals who own 25% or more of the business. If no one owns 25% or more of the business, then the account holder must provide information about a controller.)
  • is the controller of the business (Individuals who are able to make decisions on behalf of the business but are not necessarily owners. Controllers must be identified with their job titles, obligatory mark at least one if business is operating in United States. 
  • is a signatory (Individuals who are authorized to act on behalf of or represent the account holder).
  • is a director - a natural person responsible individually or collectively for governance and strategic direction of an organization. Applicable for projects conducted by businesses operating in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong. Mark every director of the company.

Business data

Information about your company, including a scan of the registration document. The document must contain information about the business and a scan or photo of a registration document of the legal entity and a proof that it's operational.
What are the requirements?
  • Documents issued within the last 12 months or containing a signature/seal confirming the document is valid, and the signature/seal must also be no older than 12 months.
  • Documents issued by independent and reliable entities such as a national/state business registry or tax office.

Bank account

Information about the bank account. We will verify if the bank account exists and check its owner.

What are the requirements? 

  • The name of the bank account owner (must be in accordance with the legal name of the business);
  • account number or IBAN; 
  • date of the issuing of the document (must be issued within the last 12 months);
  • information about the issuing country (not necessary if you add IBAN)
  • the document must contain the bank logo, name, or anything that allows identifying it was issued by the bank.

When you fill in all the required information, click "Submit for review."

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